CR2032 are common coin cell batteries used in applications that include small electronic devices such as car key fobs, calculators, digital watches and much more. As with any other battery, knowing the different voltages of the CR2032 is essential as it lets you know if you need to replace it (when it is flat), or when providing the right voltage (nominal voltage). This article shall take a closer look at the flat, nominal and full voltage of the CR2032. 

Definition of flat, nominal and full voltage of a battery?

But, before we delve into the CR2032’s different voltages, it will first help to know exactly what these different voltages actually mean. So let’s take a look. 

What is flat voltage?

A battery’s main purpose is to provide voltage in electrical and electronic applications. Batteries come in a range of sizes, shapes as well as voltages. Unfortunately, a battery cannot provide this voltage forever. Sooner or later it is going to run out of power. When a battery loses all its power and cannot provide the standard voltage that it does normally, it is considered flat or dead. Like when your smartphone’s battery goes flat and needs recharging.

What is nominal voltage?

As mentioned above, batteries come in a range of voltages. The nominal voltage is the standard voltage that a battery will have before it loses capacity and goes flat. This is the value that companies will market their batteries as having on the datasheet. But, this might not mean the battery is this value all the time. It just means that the battery will average this voltage when at full capacity. For example, if a battery’s nominal voltage is 3V, it means that it will hover around this value, but could range from say 3V to 3.2V.

What is full voltage? 

Finally we have full voltage. So, the nominal voltage of a battery is the average standard voltage that it will provide when the battery hasn’t gone dead. The full voltage of a battery is a bit higher and is normally at that value when the battery is new and hasn’t been used yet, or, if the battery is rechargeable, the value of voltage when the battery has been fully charged. However, this full voltage doesn’t last long and soon drops off to the battery’s nominal voltage. 

What is the nominal voltage of the CR2032?

The nominal voltage of a CR2032 battery is 3 volts. This means this is the average standard voltage that the battery will provide before it loses capacity and goes flat.  

What is the flat voltage of a CR2032 ?

The voltage at which a CR2032 battery is considered flat, (or dead) lies between 2.7 – 2.8 volts. The CR2032 battery is a primary battery which means that it cannot be recharged. So, if the battery goes flat, it will need to be replaced with a new CR2032 battery. 

What is the full voltage of the CR2032?

The full voltage of a CR2032 battery is about 3.2V – 3.4V. This value will then fall down to its nominal voltage after a certain amount of time. 

Can a CR2032 battery be recharged back to its nominal voltage after going flat? 00
The CR2032 is a primary battery which cannot be recharged when it goes flat. However, there are rechargeable versions of the CR2032 known as the LIR2032. This is a secondary type of battery and can be recharged back to its nominal voltage after going flat.

Categories: Batteries